Forum Discussion
What do the tips of the screws look like? Less rust, more rust, or about the same as the area near the head? If there is less rust towards the tip, that may indicate that the wall itself is dry and the source of the moisture is somewhere in the camper interior.
Of course that only works if the screws are threaded into wood. But I believe there is still a lot of structural wood in the newer Adventurer campers.
- joerg68Apr 03, 2024Nomad III
Suggestion, if you have not been able to localize a leak or additional damage:
Clean the affected areas. Remove mold as good as you can. Let it dry, then treat with an anti-mold agent.
Replace rusted screws with identical new ones. Personally, I do not use stainless - the rusted screws can be a good indicator for moisture where it is not supposed to be, like in your case.
Use the camper and monitor for re-occurrence.
- PNWtruckCamperApr 03, 2024Explorer II
Great question! Less rust further in/at the tip.