Forum Discussion
Where to start.
First, yes regardless of the pertinent info that you didn’t provide, a 700lb camper will be just fine. Period. No questions asked.
How much it will really weigh is in question though. Which you ought to know as an ex TC owner.
On to specifics.
Year of truck is most important to start with, literally. As the description you provided could be a 3rd gen with leafs or a 4th gen with coils.
Coils basically suck for truck campers but if light enough like the Cowboy camper, may not be prohibitively bad. coils with air bags, even worse. However heavy duty coils are available.
Next, no such thing as a 6’ bed. It’s either 5.5 ish or 6.4 ish. Unless you have a 3rd gen in which case it’s the 6.4 whatever. The latter being preferable.
Also, it is nowhere near a “3/4 ton wanna be”. Regardless of which gen truck, although a 3rd gen with leafs again would be better.
You can figure out the differences. But the reality is the only thing that’s similar is the body and interior. The chassis is good for about half of what a 3/4 ton is good for.
Onto the boat. Again left off the most important info. Tongue weight. However most pontoons are light ish tongue weight so what’s yours? 1000lbs in the bed and 300lbs on a short hitch extension (maybe, since you don’t say if it’ll work with no extension, but a tape measure and some basic measurements would tell you) is not horrible for either model truck you might have. And actually the boat will help stabilize the body roll so the truck drives less like a boat….actually.
That’s about all I can think of for basic consideration and parameters.
Your axle capacity will be fine. Tires might not be. You didn’t say aboot that. But those are easily changed.
Back to the short answer, I can approximate pretty easily what that combo will feel like and tow like and if it is an old leafer rear end truck, I’d do it without thinking twice.
If it’s a 5.5’ coil spring truck, I’d think harder about it. And either bed with coils, I’d slap some heavy duty coils in it.
Hope this helps.
Hey are you the dude who had the OBS dually with the goofy studebaker lookin front clip?