Forum Discussion

Grey_Mountain's avatar
Jan 12, 2014

2014 Annual Comanche Invasion of Vancouver Island

I gave you Vancouver Islanders a break last year, invading the Maratimes for a change. But you are back on schedule for this year.
Suprise dawn wagon-burning raid will occur on Monday, June 16th. We will launch the attack from Anatacortes, land at Sydney and burn our way up-island to Parksville the first night. Starting at first light or noon, thereabouts, we will leave Parksville in smouldering ruins and push on to Salmon Point with captured horses, wimmen and other booty. Well, maybe not wimmen - my British Bride for some reason is not too keen on that idea. Probably no horses either -she says them really make a mess on the living room carpet. So that just leaves booty.
So you have been forewarned. Usual tribute will be expected or exacted.
Have agreat year!

GM and Mrs. GM, AKA "The Boss"
  • No one needs to worry about Grey Mountain this summer. He has been instructed to attend the Sweetheart Rally in Feb. So when he departs Kerrville he will be a real Sweetheart, nice gentle, easy going but may still smell and look a little bad,, but he will be tame. :)

    Jim M
  • Just stuff the captured horses into the stable, under-hood.
  • You guys just better hope there is no "Summer Moon" during this trip. Comanches go kinda crazy during those periods. For a good read, check out "Empire of the Summer Moon."

  • Port Angeles (OlyPen) & the Coho will escape, Yipeeee!
  • Captured the Oly Pen 15 years ago, still receiving tribute. Loved Port Angeles. Was gonna take the Neah Bay area, but the Makah had it pretty well sewed up.
    So we passed around the pipe, had some smoked salmon and plotted further revenge.
