Forum Discussion

janechucknicode's avatar
Mar 13, 2016

299 vs, 36 in Cal. from I 5 to the 101

I think this has been coveered, but which would be the best route .. 25' pull trlr . plenty of power.

I have been over the 36 from the coast and it wasn't the best...
  • RVcrazy wrote:
    Do NOT take 36 from I5 to 101! It has signs warning against. We heard a recent horror story from a semi driver who unknowingly used it with his fiver. He lost his brakes on the trip with a diesel Ford 350...

    36 requires skill, and overheating brakes is bad news on any route.
  • You should check the Caltrans web page for SR299 before using this route. I live just off of 299 (Junction City, CA). We have been experiencing road closures due to a slide near Big French Creek, near Big Bar, CA. If the road shut down, they usually have at least one lane open with controlled traffic. JH
  • Thanks to all for your info:B
    I was thinking the 299 was OK. so thats my going ta Orygun road,. Actually our next host spot near Coos Bay from Hensley Lake near Chowchilla
    Cha cha cha.
  • Do NOT take 36 from I5 to 101! It has signs warning against. We heard a recent horror story from a semi driver who unknowingly used it with his fiver. He lost his brakes on the trip with a diesel Ford 350...
  • From Redding to Arcata, 299. From Sacramento to eureka, 20 to 101. From grants pass to eureka,199 to 101. IMHO
  • Take CA 299, CA 36 is not a good road for RV's or bigger vehicles; I've been on both and twice was enough for me on CA 36, while I've been over CA 299 many times. Buckhorn and Berry Summit will take a little time but nothing to worry about.
  • Check this out good road for motorcycles!!!-(California-Route-36).html

  • The 299 route is just fine for RVs and is designated a "scenic route." Hwy 36 is not a good road for RVs since it is very narrow and blind in some places. Hwy 20 is an option but not nearly as scenic. Here is a link to a previous discussion on the subject:
  • CA20 around Clear Lake is IMHO the best route between I5 and 101