The same place as last time time or last year, probably not, though I did visit Budapest and Prague two years in a row and have visited Lisbon and London more than twice in one year. Thinking about going to Rome for a fourth, haven't been there at least five years.
Someplace I've been before? Quite likely, particularly when it is on the way to someplace new. Repeat trip to Budapest was about going to six new countries. Been to Paris and Amsterdam more time than I can count, on the way to-from someplace else.
Whoever made up that statistic about travel habits, probably missed the people who don't travel. Ever. Haven't been out of the country. Haven't been out of their home state. Haven't been more than 10, 50, 100 whatever miles. from home.
The 85% going back to the same place has to come out of the much smaller fraction that do travel somewhere from time to time.