I have two to recommend. "Altitudes " in Flagstaff at: 2 South Beaver St is a sit down, very fun burger bar and grill with awesome food. The other is our favorite burger fast food: Freddy's Steakburger at 2675 South Beulah Blvd again, in Flagstaff.
They are 95 miles from our home in Payson and it is all fun mountain roads from 87 up to Lake Mary Road that takes you right on in to Flagstaff. There is ongoing repaving {that is badly needed} on 87 a few miles south of the lake Mary turnoff. We waited 15 minutes the first time and only 5 the second and then it wa smountain twisties at 7,000+' at its finest. Quite a ride and gorgeous with the fall colors jumping right out you.
Ya gotta love living {or visiting} central Arizona but know that winter is on its way and reportedly is going to be a seriously snowy event...we'll see.