Forum Discussion

Tequila's avatar
Nov 27, 2019

A good Pemex incident from my Partner:

We just arrived to Mission West RV Resort in order to pickup our next caravan.
On our way from Monterrey to Mission, Texas, France and I stopped to fuel at "Los Ahijados" Pemex station and resting area, I paid my bill and went to the convenience store to get my official invoice, then I went back to our RV and continued our way. It was 20 minutes later when I wanted to pay at the next toll booth that I realized that I had lost my wallet with $ 8,000 MXN ( about $ 400 USD ), so, we immediately went back to the place where I knew I had used my wallet for the last time, hoping that I could find it along with my ID and other cards...
Maybe it is hard to believe but as soon as I showed up, the young man who operated my fuel pump 45 minutes before met me and asked me:

- You lost your wallet?
- Yes, I did - I said.
- Don't worry sir, I found it on the floor. Come along.

So, he took me to an office, open a desk drawer took my wallet and gave it back to me. It was intact.
I did what Mexican people do in these cases, give a token of appreciation called "albricias" so, we show how we appreciate the honest action of returning what does not belong to us.
As in any other part in the world, you will find many honest people in Mexico, too.
  • I have lost track of of the unexpected acts of kindness that I have experienced in Mexico over the last 30 years.

    Just like here in Dayton Washington. There are plenty of good people and a few low life's.

    I don't think that the border towns are a fair representation of the real Mexico. Nor is Watts a fair representation of California.

    We stopped in San Carlos Sonora to spend the night on our way to Mazatlan. The people were really nice and it was just "comfortable". We weren't on a schedule so we decided to stay for a day or two. After a couple of days we thought that staying till the end of the week.... Three weeks later we finally had to get back on the road.

    Mexico has changed since my early visits but it is not devoid of good, honest and generous people.

    Thank you for sharing your experience.

  • Recently my wife forgot her purse in a local restaurant here in Kino. WE drove about 1/4 mile to buy fuel. I went to pay asked her for some money. OH NO. No purse. I had just enough to pay the attendant and drove at high speed to the restaurant. The waitress had the purse ! We tipped her again. Mexico is full of thieves but there are more good people in this world than bad!
