Forum Discussion

kevfra's avatar
Sep 09, 2014

Alaska from California

Never done it and want to next spring. Endless questions of course but primarily two: How early in Spring can I consider leaving? Would like to go in May, but don't care to run into weather issues.

Second, how can I find any convoy forming for such a trip? Being a first time I'd like to travel with several other RVs in an organized trip. So far online no luck with this.

And of course any advice much welcome!
  • The Milepost and other publications will answer a whole lot of your questions. And, as mentioned above, this forum has more information about driving to Alaska.
  • I worked in Dawson Creek B.C. which is mile post "0" of the Alaska highway. Every night the campground I was staying at was filled with American campers heading north. You will have no problem finding someone to travel with.
  • It's best not to cross the U.S. border before May 15 and take your time going up. Some of the lakes will still be frozen. You shouldn't have any snow issues.

    As far as being apprehensive of driving it alone - don't be. You'll have lots of RVers on the road with you and you'll no doubt see the same folks time after time all summer. There aren't many major roads and everyone goes the same places. Don't be tied down to traveling with others. Sometimes you'll want to stay longer at a spot and sometimes you will be ready to move on sooner.

    There's a great post in the Alaska forum of this site of folks going in 2015. They'll keep that post going all winter/spring and you'll get lots of good help.

    Also, check out the 'Sticky' on the top page of that forum for a post with lots of suggestions. Have fun planning! It's a great, easy trip.
  • Have you considered the ferry from Bellingham Washington to points in Alaska?