Just wanted to add that the Canadian thoughts about guns goes way back in history. Whereas the Alaska gold camps such as Skagway, Nome, etc were wild lawless places because of no law enforcement, the Canadian camps such as Dawson, etc were policed by the Canadian police, the NWMP later named the RCMP. And they didn't allow guns to be carried in town for the most part. This attitude of a federal police force seems to me to be the reason why Canada never had the problems between the new settlers and the indigenous peoples of Canada. In our west, the gun became the answer to problems between the native Americans and the settlers. Early on the NWMP were sent into BC and Alberta to run American whisky sellers out of the provinces, which they did.
The US, on the other hand, made no attempts to protect the native Americans and worked at pushing them out of the way of the settlers that wanted the land and resources located on this land. The theory of Manifest Destiny at work in the US.
Being farther south, the US attracted a much larger group of immigrants than did Canada, farther north. Until a region/area became a state there was little US interest in law enforcement in those area. Whereas the US might send 8 or 10 federal marshals to an area, such as Oklahoma Territory or Indian Territory, Canada might send several hundred officers to where they were needed, actually before they were needed.
So Canada has a couple of hundred years of letting law enforcement take care of the problems. For the most part in the US, citizens were expected to handle problems themselves, hence the sheriff's posse in the US when numbers were needed, but in Canada the NWMP sent enough officers to handle the problem at hand.
Just two really different ways of handling similar problems.