Forum Discussion

Woodtroll's avatar
Feb 11, 2018

Anyone remember this Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins Store, NC?

This may seem a little off-topic, but it was definitely part of our "routes" during camping, so I thought I would see if this would jog anyone's memory and help ours out.

At least ten years ago, maybe more, as part of one of our camping trips we stopped at a little store that sold both Baskin Robbins ice cream and Dunkin Donuts. This store was on the right-hand end of a convenience or general store, but was a separate doorway from the other store. It seems to me like it was an older board building, or maybe it was built to look like a rustic building, but it definitely was not new either way. The store was located on a four-lane road in an area with some other stores and gas stations, and was not far from a major stoplight at an intersection with another two- or four-lane road. This was either in Piedmont or Tidewater NC as best as I can remember, because the terrain was flat (memorable because we are from the mountains). I'm going to say we were facing generally south when facing the storefront, so it was just off the south (or southwest or southeast) side of the road.

This may seem an odd request, but we have discussed this with our (now grown) kids and while we all remember this stop, we can't remember where we were or where we were camping at the time. It's just one of those random memories that I can't fully remember, and it's been bugging me for quite some time. I've even done searches for "NC Baskin Robbins/Dunkin Donuts" stores to try to figure this out, with no luck, but maybe the store no longer exists.

Does this store ring a bell with anybody? Please help me restore my sanity and figure out where we were!

Thanks for your help,
  • Any chance you could reach out to Baskin Robbins or Dunkin Donuts? Might luck into a helpful geek on the other end of the phone or email. :)
  • Yes, it's a shot in the dark, Dave, but you never know. It just may be that someone from that particular little town will recognize the description. It amazes me the things that people will recognize or help with on this board. Surprisingly, the list of stores in NC that I sorted through wasn't that long, so I don't know if the store is no longer open or perhaps the list wasn't complete. Thanks for looking, though!
  • That might be tough to figure out, as there are many combined Dunkin/Baskin Robbins stores out there. They are one company. Hopefully someone from the area you visited will recognize the details you provided.