I would be remiss if I didn't add this . . . Winds in the Cajon Pass area can be fierce. Every year eighteen wheelers get toppled. Critical to watch the forecasts before negotiating it in a high profile vehicle. We left a park just off the freeway in a Hesperia Monday morning. No wind. Forecasts in the cities near the pass were predicting winds but nothing too fierce. Certainly not high profile vehicle wind warnings. No issues until where 15 splits off near Devore. Severe crosswinds. I was down to 45mph. One Class A had their awning blow loose and it was billowing over the roof. Another coach was pulled off to the shoulder and stopped a little further on. The wind had completely dissipated by the 210 split, as it often does. This is very common this time of year. And construction was no issue at all as far as Temecula.