Great advice which I'll second. Mexico 57 is a very good road. One road that I dread (and we do this route every year) is I-35 - this road has heavy traffic and frequent backups which can occur at any time during daylight hours. If there was a toll road that parallels I-35 (which maybe you're suggesting there is) I would use it without hesitation.
The building to turn in the TIP is practically under Bridge #2. As you drive north on Mexico 85 look for a road named for Donaldo Colosio, it's a 4 lane divided road which follows the Rio Grande. In town a road veers off even closer to the river - take that for about a mile and there is a large sprawling white building on the left. On the west end there's a small booth where they'll verify the VIN #, take your sticker and give you a receipt. From there backtrack a mile, take a severe dogleg right turn and head for the bridge. You'l pass through a booth which still remains but is never staffed which Mexico briefly used to return TIPs.
Maybe someone else can fill in street names, but it's easy if you aim for winding up under Bridge #2.