'tiredTeacher wrote:
jplante4 wrote:
... if I'm going out I-84 to PA. Last time I used this route the traffic on I-84 in Waterbury was terrible.
May I join in? I'm heading to Littleton/Lowell area from Wilkes-Barre. My GPS has me taking the I-84 route y'all are discussing. It also gives me the option of going north on I-87 to pick up I-90. This adds about 40 miles to the trip, but would it be easier (less stressful?) to take this route? Or do I need mentally to plan for traffic and suck it up and ride it out on I-84?
Teach, by time you get to I-87, you're already passed the wose part of I-84. Just stay on I-84.
Alternate route - Mass Pike/I-90 to I-88 then I-81 south to Wilkes.