we've been to the cabot trail many times, my sister lives on the trail near the English town ferry. baddeck is a nice central point, you can do the trail from either direction easily, in fact do it both ways!
there is a nice cg near the ferry, but ferry is tricky with an rv especially at low tide
a really nice side trip is up to meat cove, the very northern tip of cape Breton, there is a cg up there but very rustic and I wouldn't take an rv or trailer up there because of the rough road, tents, small tent trailers or off road capable rv's only
you can tow or drive an rv/trailer around the cabot trail BUT be careful, the hills are not long but short and very steep with switchbacks. old smokey for example is a short but very steep climb/drop with switchbacks and a hairpin curve at the bottom, that's on the atlantic ocean side. having said that, tractor/trailers and school buses do it everyday