Forum Discussion

silverbullet555's avatar
Aug 07, 2021

Reseal questions on or near roof

Local shop resealed most of my roof, but I have a couple more things I want to do. It's fine, because I didn't pay for a full reseal.

I'm curious about best ways to handle a couple things. Pics attached and hopefully I can embed them in order.

First up are the gutter screws. Quite a few have loosened over time. I'll go and snug them up. In boats, we would bed those in 3m 4200 to seal it. Should they be bedded here, and if so, with what? Or keep them dry? The gutter down spot has a hole in it so I need to repair or replace it at some point, but I don't have the part here.

Along the same lines are the tops of the gutters. It looks like they could use a bead of dicor non sagging. Would that be correct?

Next up is the where the roof meets the gutter on the other side of the corner. I don't like that gap there. I'm thinking dicor non sagging to fill and seal that area?

Next up is where the membrane is just starting to show some cracking. Eternabond or dicor non sagging? Would eternabond make that corner and stay adhered?

Last up are the tracks for the thule racks. I'm afraid if I top off the dicor that is there, it'll make it impossible to move the sliding nuts inside which things mount to. Maybe that is a non issue as there are other ways to get them out.

Experience or thoughts on the best way to seal the racks?
  • opnspaces wrote:
    Dicor would work for al your questions.

    On the membrane cracks I would probably use Dicor over them. Eternabond would work too. But be careful and let it lay without tension. Don't pull it tight around the corner or it will loosen up over time and leak.

    Thanks for the tips on Eternabond. I was a at a shop yesterday and they had a thinner eternabond, but the lady at the counter couldn't tell me the difference. I have a roll of the 1" or 2" emergency tape in the camper which is a little thicker. I'll have a tube of dicor open so I might as well use it.
  • Good questions. Short answer, yes seal up anywhere water intrusion seems possible or probable. And depending on the location, you can be judicious with the sealant. More is not always better.
  • Dicor would work for al your questions.

    In the Thule rack I would use a small pointed object and pick the old sealant out. Then you can reapply Dicor sparingly over the screws again.

    On the membrane cracks I would probably use Dicor over them. Eternabond would work too. But be careful and let it lay without tension. Don't pull it tight around the corner or it will loosen up over time and leak.

    For the rest of the screws you can either pull them one at a time and reseal them. I just looked at 3m 4200 and it seems like a good candidate for what you're asking.
  • Gary3 wrote:
    I see the pic's alright just clean those spots up and reseal what you see needs it. Was that the dealer who missed those spots you could pull the screws on the gutters and put decor on them and just snug them up.

    No it was an independent shop. I actually only paid them to reseal the front vent, R&R the front window. and do the seam between the roof and the aluminum and those were done well. The service writer said the tech said the tracks don't need it. I'm not sure that's the case. And, there were a few spots where they missed little bits when they did self leveling.

    I'm honestly not sure if they missed some or I am anal or both. I want to keep the water out, so I'll seal up the last pieces and know I am good.

    On the cracking roof membrane, is that better with dicor or eternabond being such a small section with a bend.
  • I see the pic's alright just clean those spots up and reseal what you see needs it. Was that the dealer who missed those spots you could pull the screws on the gutters and put decor on them and just snug them up.
  • corvettekent wrote:
    None of your photos showed up. Dicor will work great on all except the Thule racks. I would need to see a photo to help you on that.

    Got the imgur link to work in internet explorer.

    Pics posted.

    Should the screws along the gutter be bedded or left dry?
  • That's weird. I can see them. I'll have to try another way. I couldn't get the photo posting link to work.
  • None of your photos showed up. Dicor will work great on all except the Thule racks. I would need to see a photo to help you on that.