Little Kopit wrote:
sirdrakejr wrote:
mister d,
If you can pronounce "Eh", then you have all the translation you'll need. :B
Heck, our lingo, vocabulary, etc. is much more like yours than in England, Scotland, Wales, New Zealand, Australia......
Granted in the late 60s I went to visit some people in mountain cove territory in North Carolina. We were early at the meeting place. The neighbors had seen us pass and came over to check on us. It took me a 1/2 hour or more to begin to understand the words they were saying. So, y'all can do pretty well, yourselves.
LOL, I was just kidding around. I live 20mins from Canada, hang with Canadian friends, and never noticed a difference besides the "eh" and words like "a boot" (about). One of these days I'm going to teach my buddies how to spell color right without the "u" :B