Couple point here.
I looked at Campigloo two posts and he doesn’t say the price per litre? I have kids in Calgary and have been running back and forth from BC to Calgary for years seeing the kids and buying fuel at the same time The price for gas and Diesel, never in all those years did I ever find a fuel station in Calgary that charged close to what B.C. charges for fuel. Alberta has the cheapest fuel in Canada, and if a gas station in Calgary charged that much for fuel they would soon be out of business. There is something missing here...
Yesterday I filled up my truck in South Eastern British Columbia where I live and I paid:
Diesel fuel- $1.39 Cnd for 97.087 L, for a total of $130.00 Cnd, I didn’t bat an eye. The lower mainland in BC ( Vancouver area) has the most expensive fuel in Canada, and we aren’t far behind it. BC stands for bring cash, but if you want to see our beautiful country, you have to spend the cash.... there is something missing in those calculations he gave.
You want sticker shock, figure out what a 7 day trip on a cruise ship costs. Then factor in booze, maybe some pictures that they conveniently take as you get in and off the ship. Plus maybe you want to buy something in one of the shops, like jewelry.... $$$$$ it adds up fast. But we love cruising and pay what it is to do it... next trip in USA dollars is well over $13,000 Canadian for 29 days South Pacific Cruise... still saving for that one.
The kicker is that you pay a fixed rate to tip the Crew ( I think is about $13 usd per guest per day now) Then if you have a Drink, they charge you a tax on top of the daily crew tip per every drink....$$$$$ + 30%
Maui.... price of honey dew Mellon.... wife didn’t look close and it was priced per pound, not price per Mellon.... it’s stayed at the till and I gave her
But we love Maui and are planing on going back again.
And don’t forget on average we have to add 30% to the cost at the USA cash register, to roughly figure out how much it costs in Canadian $$$.
So what I am saying is, you want to travel you have pay what the price is no matter where you go in the world, or you can stay at home and watch TV.
Yes you can look for a deal or better prices we do all the time, but if you need it buy it. There are a few gas station in BC and Alberta that are a rip off no matter country you live in and both grossly take advantage of their location.
As tor Eagle Plain, how far away do you think the fuel supplier has to haul the fuel to get to Eagle Plain?
As for politics...
I have a lot of USA relatives and have been traveling south of 49 for well over 55 years. I remember my mom turning around to my sister and me in the back seat of my dads 56 Chevy 2 door and saying.... when we get to Portland... remember no politics or religious talk.... we were 3 and 5 we just kinda looked at each other...
Now a days my wife and I kinda do the same thing, it safer.... ( grin) Even when our relatives ask us what we think about their politics, I just say, I did it vote in your election, so I can’t comment on it.
End of story on politics, those are personal issues and shouldn’t be voiced on these kind of forms, or with my American relatives...;)
We are off to Haida Gwaii in a couple weeks, the cost for the ferry both ways is just over $800 cnd, we paid it why.... cause we want to go.
Don’t freak out of prices just have fun and enjoy yourself. Life is to short to worry about things you have no control over. However in this case you do have control, you can stay home and watch TV.