tonymull wrote:
One thing, take the Yellowhead 5 from Hope to Kamloops and cut across to #1 or even take 5 all the way to Little Fort and take #20 across to #1. 5 is 4 lanes with very little traffic all the way to Kamploops but #1 is mostly 2 lanes with more traffic. And they don't call #20 the Fishing Highway for nothing. Kamloops is the last city you'll pass through with every major store chain and convenience till you get to Anchorage, although Williams Lake has quite a bit. I drive #5 several times each summer on the way to fishing...geez lots of years I don't even buy a WA license any more.
First off if you take hwy 5 to Kamloops is quite a pull out of Hope 17 miles straight up, when you get to Little Fort you would have a 10 mile hill @ 12 % if you went west which is a great rd to go fishing but is not hwy 20, that is further north @ Williams lake and goes to Bella Coola, if you go straight north from Little Fort you go to Valemount which is pretty flat except for one hill which is only 2 miles long @ 6-8%, you can turn left at Valemount and go to Prince George or turn right and go to Jasper and Hinton, Just a little note to clarify things as I live here, Thanks Johnny G1.