That is a loaded question. There is a short cut that takes you on Calle 36 to Libertad. Then you pickup the coastal highway. It intersects with a road that comes from Caborca. Mexicoruss can give you the details. But here is the rub: The road from the Kino highway to Libertad ( Calle 36) is iffy. I haven't been on it for a few years. There is a detour around a vey bad bridge that is unreal! OK in an SUV but it is dangerous for a MH. I have seen a recent report where they were in a 4 wheeler and the actual road has improved. The little detour is still there but apparently they were working on it. Otherwise you have to go to HMO and North to Santa Ana. You would be driving on a very good highway. BUT the coastal road has some beautiful views. There are no services once you leave the Kino highway. One Pemex in Libertad that often is out of diesel. Otherwise NADA! Here is photo of our Bluebird on the coastal road. You can see how close you would be to the ocean.
