tony lee wrote:
GasBuddy did the job for us on the whole trip from Texas to Alaska and back down again, including Yukon and NW territories
I don;t know what year you used Gas Buddy but I find that it is becoming less and less useful no matter where I go. There are two big problems with it.
The first is that it is way too easy for stations to "Game" the system. In other words put in a false report of higher prices for a competing station or maybe more commonly put in a LOWER price for their own station and once you arrive find that it is much higher. I have run across this a lot in Canada.
And I am always careful to note the time and day the report was issued.
The second big problem is that use of Gas Buddy has declined and there are fewer and fewer stations being priced.
I did use it on the Highway (2 round trips) routinely over two consecutive years I saw a definite decline over those two trips.
What I learned over time is that the cheapest fuel on the highway is at the big Yellow unmanned fuel cardlocks (I cant remember their name right now)