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Expired RV permit

We have been stuck in Canada and the 10 year permit on our MH has expired on Oct.6. We won't hit the border until November 16. I want to cancel the old permit and get a new one. Has anyone done this before? I cannot get the permit in my Wife's name as she has the permit for our Bluebird. Even though I have a different passport# now I do not think that will help. Their computer system has been upgraded and might pick up my name. Thanks

Absolutely. You MUST turn in your 10 year permit.

Tequila wrote:
As far as I know you do not need to cancela 10 year permit, so they would just issue you a new one. If it were a 180 day with a deposit, you would simply lose your deposit and they would cancel it at the border.

Totally incorrect. If you do not cancel your TIP they will not issue a new one for that vehicle.

As far as I know you do not need to cancela 10 year permit, so they would just issue you a new one. If it were a 180 day with a deposit, you would simply lose your deposit and they would cancel it at the border.

Fausto. I calledthatcosulate but they would not help me. Only Mexicans!

Hi to all ....just as a recommendation to all of you with problemas with your TIP and need to ask a question you can call the Mexican Consulate in Phoenix Arizona they issue and cancel TIP....
Have a great trip.....

Thanks playaboy. Rocmoc. You did good. Canceling a 10 year permit when the vehicle is not present can be a nightmare. I have posted the procedure a few times. Can cause heart attacks.

Our last trip down in winter 2019, we had replaced a broken windshield with attached sticker. Sticker was shredded but I kept the pieces. But I also had a new passport which means a new number. Used the new number online and new sticker arrived in 3 days via mail. Can only assume the same would have happened at KM21. Still took the shredded sticker with me South.

rocmoc n Th SouthWest
rocmoc n Great SouthWest USA

Moishe, I have done this for many clients. As posted above,just cancel the expired permit, then drive across the street and apply for a new one. Easy

I love when the rules change. When 10 year TIP's were first offered in the 2005-2006, most banjercito officers didn't know what a RV was. The officer offered me a 10 year permit for my pickup truck with a slide in camper pulling a cargo trailer. Not one to tell a bureaucrat that they are mistaken, I took it

What should happen and what will happen are sometimes quite different. Common sense is that should just be 123.I know that people with expired FMM did have problems. Eventually they gave them new ones. I will be humble,kind charming and full of it. When 6 month paid car permits began there was all kinds of new rules. I was bringing in a park model trailer but I did not have a truck. A guy from Phoenix towed it for me I had asked if he had a credit card as the owner of the truck had to get the permit. These new rules had just began and it was a Zoo at km21. They had hired a bunch of college kids that spoke English.
There was 4 lines of tourists. We got to the head of the line and the guy was a jerk. He would not give us a permit as the driver did not gave a credit card. We then went into another line. Nice kid said he would like to help but was not sure. I told him my wife was going to teach English at the Seri village of Punta Chueca and if he did not let us in my wife would have no place to sleep and the kids would not get an education. He filled out our form. Gave me a sly smile and sent us to the Banjercito. My story was half true!

This must be something that has or is coming up frequently now due to closed borders being opened. As has been said turn in the old and get a new permit. If an explanation is necessary explain.

I want to believe that there will some sort of moratorium on expired permits depending on when they were requested and the date of expiration. I'm no expert on that but it sounds like with what we have been through and governmental border closing it would be understood.

2005 Dodge Durango Hemi
2008 Funfinder 230DS
Living and Boondocking Mexico Blog

Get to the place where you return vehicle permits and just turn in permit. Then turn around and get new 10 year permit.

I have two thoughts.

You should be able to arrive at the border and turn in the old, expired permit. Then, get a new one there.

At least in the US, when you renew your passport and get a new number, it is not sent out to other countries. It is possible that a name match up could be tried, but face it, many/most names are very common and it wouldn't come up.

Our thought? Cross the border on the 8th, and when you enter at Nogales be very calm and relaxed. It will work.

Good luck, keep us posted.