19/129 is scenic, but twisty.
If you go over to Asheville through Maggie Valley you will get crazy roads too, maybe a few less miles, but more twisty. 19 is not bad, you are just from FL, who are known to be the worst drivers in the mountains, I mean, scary bad drivers. We don't need to see the FL plate to recognize a FL driver, you are so bad, so I understand your fears.
You are right in the middle of the mountains, there is no easy escape back to flat straight, level roads.
DO NOT get on 276 from the Parkway under any circumstances! I wouldn't want to do that with a big rig. That last section next to i-40 is fine, the parkway is on a mountain and coming down 276 is hairy on a motorcycle.
Going through Sylva on 23 to 40 then Asheville is an easy route, though longer.
I would go 23 south into GA. There is one big mountain pass with a low-gear descent, but mostly straight. It will not be difficult and once you get near Franklin the roads are easy. The GA section is almost interstate. This is the best route to FL anyway, you came the long way to begin with.