Forum Discussion

Belgique's avatar
Mar 05, 2016

Hidalgo to Monterrey report

Crossed at Hidalgo yesterday, the 4th. Painless. First stop was customs. Nice lady agent was coming in until she saw our big Lab and she decided just to glance in a couple of outside compartments. Took minutes.

Then a short ride on one town street to the TIP/Visa place. Huge with plenty of parking. Went in and no one there. Agent helped us do the Visas and we were sent to get the Saturn import papers (I have a 10 year on the MH). We needed 2 copies of our car registration, driver's licenses, and passports. Again, no one there. Simple. Visas were $43 total for 2 of us and $459 deposit on the '08 Saturn. No one asked about anything, including the pets (2 dogs and 2 cats). Little less than 30 minutes. Only tricky part is finding this building and making sure to turn left to get to MX 40.

About 4 hours to Monterrey-Santiago. Road mostly good with a few rough spots. Toll was $26.

Then the great part: finally meeting Chris and Juan after almost 10 years on this forum. Fantastic people.
  • They have closed most of them. One less thing to have to worry about. We travel freely back and forth without any hassles. It was mentioned because it was a checkpoint not only for aduana but also immigration as the first 21 kms require no tourist card. Now, all of that is handled at the border.

    I have my doubts as to whether it is a good thing or not. Definitely easier than before.
  • Would you please expound on that? We go in and out at Sonoyta. Thanks!
  • They have shut down the km 21 and all the other "garitas aduanales" to much corruption and hassling the Mexicans for mordidas and made up charges of smuggling, the gringos were normally let through with out too much hassle, we used to slow down, they saw the US plate and waived us through.

    There used to be retenes aduanales in just about every state in the mid 60's to the early 70's, my dad used to ask them what country we were entering.

    The only one left is the Sonoyta check point, they are the worst of the worst in corruption schemes.

  • A PS: awhile back I expressed concern here that my 10 year had my late wife's name on it and that I would get a hassle. I offered the 10 year papers to the agent and he just glanced at it and handed it back. Probably didn't need to offer it in the first place. Also, the "KM21" place was empty and we sailed through. Chris says it has been that way for awhile.

    I had warned Robin that the only negative was noise, esp on weekends. It came true last night. Music from the car in front of us all night long. But it's their country and they seem like nice, friendly people. We'll nap today.
  • Good point Talleyhoe: Tolls 460 pesos; Car Deposit approx 8184 pesos; Visas for 2 approx 766 pesos.

    Thanks Moisheh and Stan...been too long.
  • Yep, another great couple of Mexico rvers. Always enjoy having guests and showing them around our neck of the woods. Boy did they get a deal at the rv park too! Welcome back!
  • Nice to see you back Steve. We will be leaving La Peñita and heading up MX 200, 15D, and MX 2 to Lukeville on the 15th of March to get out before the Easter crowd starts.
  • So glad it has been good for you. Hopefully it will continue!

    Could you please give the costs in pesos, too? Exchange rates change so rapidly.