dapperdan wrote:
We were through there a few years ago with our 38' fifth wheel. I thought it was very doable. Take your time, slow down and you'll do just fine!
That "tight" spot in the above post does NOT look that tight to me. We've been on narrower roads than that for short distances at a time (WITH the fifth wheel).
I guess their idea of tight and my idea of tight are much different. :h
Enjoy the ride, the 101 is one of the most beautiful trips we've done with the RV! We went from north to south ending near Petaluma on the PCH. Take your time, there's a lot to take in!!
I agree that isn't all that tight.
try this, this isn't 101 it is Hwy 26 going from Portland to the coast.
I will add that one of the tightest spots on 101 is just south of Yachats on Cape Perpetua where they are doing some bridge repair and the road is one lane during working hours.