Forum Discussion

Desert_Captain's avatar
Explorer III
Sep 24, 2016

Highway 58, San Luis Obispo to Barstow

Never heard a peep about Highway 58 but was looking to get east out of Morro Bay and there it was. We took the short drive out of MB to SLO and went north on 101 for just 8 miles before exiting east onto 58. The first thing you encounter is a large sign stating: Vehicles with trailers NOT{my emphasis}, advised. There are a number of very good reasons for this warning...

If twisty, narrow two lane blacktop is your thing you will love 58. The second sign we saw stated "next services 82 miles" and they are 82 spectacular miles to be sure. Our Nexus Class C at just under 25' overall was a pleasure to drive but I cannot imagine larger rigs having any fun at all. The 36' fiver I managed to squeeze by on one of the very few passible stretches had no, zip, zero, NADA business being on this road and proved it by taking the double yellow as a mere suggestion at best... :S

When we finally dropped down 4,000' on the backside of the coastal range west of Bakersfield we saw as many tight curves as we had encountered driving Monterey, down through Big Sur to Morro Bay. While Bakersfield and Barstow are nothing to write home about, getting to and through them on 58 was never dull though we did have to endure some stop and go city traffic for a while. The climb out of Bakersfield up and over the Tehachapi pass is awesome with hundreds {thousands?}, of windmills lining the pass and they were all cranking full tilt.

My only regret was that I had left my Harley at home as 58 has got to be one of the ultimate motorcycle roads in America and I promised myself I would be back, next time on two wheels.

  • Took 58 from 101 to Taft in my company car one time, would never take it in a RV. Take hwy 1 north from Morro Bay to 46 East works for us in a RV. 58 E out of Bakersfield is a great route. Dick
  • Desert Captain wrote:
    My only regret was that I had left my Harley at home as 58 has got to be one of the ultimate motorcycle roads in America and I promised myself I would be back, next time on two wheels.

    If you ever come back with your Harley be sure to try hiway 33 a bit further south. It runs from the 101 near Ventura up and over the Las Padres National Forest Mountains and down to Maricopa, south of Bakersfield. When I was working in Bakersfield the local motorcycle & sports car groups would have frequent informal races over that twisty section of road.
  • Naio's avatar
    Explorer II
    58 is gorgeous!

    The stretch from SLO to Carrizo Plain would be ok for longer rigs, I think. East of Carrizo, even in my van I was glad to be on the uphill side of the road (heading east). The other side had a lot of steep dropoffs, no guard rail and IIRC no shoulder. Beautiful, beautiful country though. I was there in sprintgtime, and all was lush and green and wild.
  • Fulltimers wrote:
    A much better way to go for an RV is 46 from Paso Robles. Very easy drive.

    X2, Hwy. 46 is the best and most RV friendly hwy. to take. 46 will take you directly to hwy. 99.
  • A much better way to go for an RV is 46 from Paso Robles. Very easy drive.