Forum Discussion

Snowman9000's avatar
Jan 01, 2016

I-40 Arkansas: Mempis - Little Rock

What is the CURRENT state of the roadway EB and WB? We went through WB in March 2015 and it was pretty well patched up. But how is it now?
  • Glad to read this thread.

    I'm heading west this in two days and wanted to take I-40 through to AZ then head south to Phoenix.

    My dad asked me to head there via TX due to flooding first then snow in Flagstaff.

    I started a thread here and look forward to hearing from those who have been through there.

  • We went through today. Most of it is now new and very good. The first 10-15 miles west of I-55 had a lot of patching but were fair.
  • Heading West. We are concerned about the route from Indianapolis 70-I55-I57to I40 through Arkansas and Misouri and Westward. Advice about traveling through there tomorrow or Wednesday? Should we avoid it and try St. Louis to 44 south? Is there a interstate flood advisory site to check?
  • Extremely unlikely Miss River flooding will have any impact on interstates in Arkansas. We are at flood stage in Memphis, and even with predicted rise of 8 more feet there will be no effect on I-40 or I-55.
  • Check the flood waters before you go.
    The Mississippi may not crest that far south until sometime next week.
  • We drove I-40 Memphis to Little Rock in early Nov. Road was in good shape only two small construction areas for bridge work. Once 40 miles into Arkansas - the road was great. Yes, the first 15-20 miles after crossing the Mississippi were a disappointment after Tennessee highways, but far from the worst stretch of interstate we had seen in 2015.

    (Maryland was the worst in general - every overpass and underpass was like off-roading.)