Forum Discussion

Jun 20, 2018

I'll Take A Wild Guess And Say TalleyHo Is In Los Mochis

Said like a local MOW-chees. That would be pretty good time.

When hoteling, I often use HOTEL FLAMINGOS on the north edge of Guaymas.

Day 2, boot it in the butt.

Day 3, Mazatlan

Day 4 summer. Barra de Navidad (long long haul)

Day 5 summer to Patzcuaro

Day 6 they should arrive in mid afternoon.

Let's see how off my guesswork is...
  • Crossed Wednesday morning, Navajoa that night, Tepic on Thursday, it's Friday night and we are home in Zihuatanejo.

    Trip report manana.
  • Tomorrow early morning standing outside with cup of coffee...

    Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang...

    Call to Mass. You know you are home...

    Monday Morning...

    "Quiere Gasssss?????"

    You know you are home :)