Forum Discussion

aeejbe's avatar
Explorer II
Mar 11, 2015

Los Angeles to Washington DC

Departing next week with Class C + toad for FMCA sponsored rally in Washington DC... ...eta March 29th or so. No hurry.
The thought (on paper regarding weather) is to travel via Memphis TN, but nothing is set in stone.
Any pearls of advice from experience on routes to take AND/OR obstacles to avoid?
  • Thanx All.
    There will be a couple of things we’re steeling ourselves to face on this trip. The potholes & the obstacles from piece-meal barricades from incompleted work! Pretty sure we’re about to sample first-hand the levels of dis-repair & the neglect suffered by our Interstate Highways NATIONWIDE. :(
  • I would take I 10 from LA to west TX then I 20 TO Dallas I 30 to Little Rock I 40 to I 81 to I 66 into DC.

    I drive a semi into NYC from So Cal a lot and that is the way to go when you want to avoid all the hills on I 15 I40 from CA to NM.

    Be careful in east Arkansas on I 40 the road is a mess !!Huge Pot Holes and Construction. As bad a stretch of interstate as I have ever seen !!

    Another way is I 10e TO I 20e TO I59n I75n I 40e to I 81e I 66e It would keep you out of the Memphis I 40 area
  • THANK YOU for that, Matt. Southeast Michigan?
    One tentative return route MAY take us via Detroit ---
    "Home" to us some years ago. Feelings there kinda sorta got complicated.
  • Aeejbe,

    Flexibility is good. That (this) time of year can be strange, so keep provisions and fuels on hand so you can hold up a day. Being self-contained means you don't even need to find the last motel room. We use all the free over nights we can find. But, anyplace flat will do if the weather goes bad.

    If you are carrying wire (have internet on the road) use that and navigation software to determine your route on a daily basis. We often do this and then get a questioning note from DD (married and does not travel with) "How/Why are you there - that was not on the plan..." Well we turned (NSEW) to avoid traffic/weather/construction/thought of something.

    Most of all, don't wear your self out. We have done long days, but we don't like to, but sometimes there is just no reason to stop so early.

  • :) Leaddog :)
    Your words of encouraging advice are helpful & MUCH APPRECIATED!
    There will be scheduling flexibility in our travel playbook. AND as necessary, my navigator & I are quite capable
    of “calling-an-audible” --- Making adjustments at any point along the way of this timely adventure.
  • We have made that trip numerous times. Check the weather forecast for Flagstaff, AZ since snow & cold weather is a good possibility. Wind will be your problem in NM, TX and Oklahoma. Tornado weather is common in that time period. Pay attention to weather forecasts.

    The last couple years the campgrounds West of OK City were full of oil workers. Not sure if that is still the case.

    Memphis has(d) a lot of road construction last year and it was mess going through there. Not sure if it is cleared up yet. Maybe someone on the Forum can tell what it is like now.

    I-40 through TN is a great road and I-81 is great also. Lot of truck traffic on I-81 and some construction delays.

    Have fun.
  • Dick_B wrote:
    Why go across the country for a Rally?

    Time is short. For purposes of this public forum, "that rally" is valid enough reason for making this bucket list trip - of sorts.
    I’m simply asking for any helpful advice on routing ... at this time.
    THANK YOU for your reply & for the concern to ask though.