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Melaque damage

getting some reports form my contacts there. melaque Paradise RV park will reopen tommorrow. RVs stored at Laguna Del Tule are still there, but no idea how much damage. Lots of trees down & broken windows. because the nucleaus of the storm hit such a limited area, aI suspect most aid money will get concentrated on this area. As you can see from teh ivdeo below, cleanup is well underway. the creeks did nto overflow the bridges, althoguh one new sewer line was taken out. Several palapa style restaurants are gone, the roof at the pemex station on teh south side of town is all askew. We have so far been unabketo contact the mangers at either LDT or Quemex. Answering machines are working at both.

The main damage was trees, signage of any type and lamina or palapa roofs. Water was not a real issue around here. Someone in west Melaque has an RV on a private lot and the galvanized ramada is now sitting on the RV.

Tons of poor people with no roofs

Just drove hwy 200 today from Vallarta. Lots of damage, mostly downed trees and power lines starting 80km north of Barra de Navidad, less damage in Barra but still a lot. Take it slow, lots of branches some low. I am just over 11 ft. tall

Looks like the zone of maximum impact included Tenacatita beach and the village of El Rebalcitos.

About 30 miles north of Melaque.

Damage is bad but gracia a dios, no one was killed, says residents of El Rebalcitos.

If your winter plans include this particular area, a nice gesture would be to bring some generic clothing especially for babies and small children. Customs doesn't like it, but a small roll of 14/2 romex building wire is always appreciated.

With my pathetic income I cannot follow my own advice, but eating out more often helps locals as does biting the bullet on getting big store prices and instead patronize corner stores. I also tend to remember leaving a "giant" 10 peso tip equals far less than a quart of gasoline for the family car.

Seriously, back off a couple weeks. The last thing the Mexico RV industry needs is some dope, rushing down to claim a beach spot, drive off a road and get killed or injured. Roads and bridges are washed out, power lines are down, flash flooding is just beginning and will last a couple more days.
Official reports are just coming available as teams inspect roads and infrastructure. When buses start running routes, that is when to think about entering the area. Think smart and stay safe.