Forum Discussion

islandvagabonds's avatar
Dec 05, 2020

Missing TIP

A travel buddy just got turned back at KM21 because he had an outstanding TIP on The MH he traded in on a new one last spring.
Any suggestions on how to exedite getting the old TIP cancelled?
  • Ok so here is the end of the story. My Buddy goes back to the US and loses his passport and gets a new one which has a new number.
    He now has a new TIP and heading south to the beach in his new motorhome.

    Keep well all!
  • Their is no longer linked to just uour passport. There is a method to cancel your old TIP. It is difficult. You need a notarized copy of the bill of sale. Notarized copy of the new owners registration. You may require a notarized letter from the new owner's DMV stating that the vehicle is now registered to that new owner. There is also a form that needs to be attached. I am sorry but I do not know where to find that form. You must verify that the form is current as it has changed a few times. The form has a name and address of the clerk that does the paper work. Verify that the name is current. If that person no longer works there the whole envelope will be refused. You should make copies of everything and use a courier service. They may even require a pound of flesh. Good Luck.

    BTW. Expedite has no meaning in Spanish. Be patient.
  • bukhrn wrote:
    OK, What is a TIP ?

    I was wondering that too.

    It's a Temporary Import Permit

    A TIP is legal document that allows a foreign-plated vehicle to be imported to and driven in Mexico for a defined period of time. The vehicle must be exported (driven out of Mexico) before the TIP’s expiry date.


    Who needs a TIP? Anyone who wants to bring a foreign-plated vehicle into Mexico and drive outside of the Free Zones. The Free Zones are:

    * within 25km of the land border;
    * the entire Baja California peninsula;
    * a defined area in the northern state of Sonora;
    * the southern state of Quintana Roo.

    If you intend to drive your car beyond the 25km border zone (checkpoints exist), or anywhere outside of a defined Free Zone, you must have a TIP to avoid fines and confiscation of the vehicle.
  • Good luck. It's extremely difficult to cancel a TIP if you don't have the vehicle there with it attached.

    Two options: Put the vehicle in the name of someone else that is on the registration/title, like a spouse.

    If you don't have that option available, the other one isn't as fast and easy. Renew your passport. When a new or renewal passport is issued, a new number is assigned. The TIP's are tied to the passport number, so when it is renewed, there is no history of a TIP being issued to that number, so you can get another one. However, the time to get a new passport, depending upon the route you take to get it, can be time consuming.

    Good Luck, please keep us all posted as to how this goes.