Forum Discussion

stargirl96's avatar
Jul 11, 2019

Montrose to Ouray

We will be driving a 32' Class C with a dinghy. What is 550 like from Montrose to Ouray? We plan to camp in Ouray and then use our CR-V to continue on 550 to see other beautiful sights.
  • IIRC you won't hit any steep climbs and switchbacks until you get to Ouray. Right after town the road starts UP
  • There are more difficult highways in Colorado than any other state.
  • Great plan, the road from Montrose to Ouray is fine. Taking your toad soouth out of Ouray to drive the Million Dollar Highway is a very good idea vs humping a 32' C with a toad. Southboound on the MDH is thrill especially for the passenger {ask my bride, her last run was on the back of my Indian Springfield motorcycle}, the return ride northbound back to Ouray is a little tamer.

    Here is a shot taken about 10 miles south of Ouray on the MDH:

    Ouray and Silverton are a lot of fun, the Ouray brewery is a hoot and right up the street check out the Wiesbaden Spa, you can get day passes and the underground grotto has to be experienced to be believed {Google it}. The view from their outdoor pool is awesome as well. A great way to spend a few hours.

    There is a large public spa facility at the north end of Ouray that is cheaper than the private spas with lots of pools at varying temperatures... something for everyone.

  • Fine road. Pretty flat some curves, not overly wide but not real narrow either follows the Uncompaghre river. Only becomes an issue for some once you get past Ouray like right outside the south end of town
  • stargirl96 wrote:
    We will be driving a 32' Class C with a dinghy. What is 550 like from Montrose to Ouray? We plan to camp in Ouray and then use our CR-V to continue on 550 to see other beautiful sights.

    Absolutely no challenge at all. Wide 2 lanes, with a frontage road. Relatively flat most of the way, through farm country; you're in a valley for most of the trip, some minor ups and downs (hills not mountains) but certainly doable. The fun begins in Ouray south!