Forum Discussion

louiskathy's avatar
Aug 18, 2014

Mudslide on hwy 20 - EAST of Washington Pass, WA

Posted on the Methow Valley News facebook page just 12 minutes ago.

This would be hwy 20 WEST bound as you come from Winthrop, WA heading to Concrete, WA ... the slide is just on the east side of Washington Pass. (Between the summit and Winthrop) Would be a horrible surprise to come on this this in the dark... raining now.

Be aware, travelers: There is a huge mud and rock slide covering the entire width of Highway 20 just below Washington Pass and just above the hairpin turn. There is a narrow, single-file track around the slide, but it is rutted, rocky and has running water coming down off the hill. Very dicey going. I made it through slowly and carefully about 45 minutes ago but it was getting worse, and it was raining steadily. There are also smaller slides on either side of this larger one, covering the road with mud, rocks and a few boulders. We have no information yet from WSDOT or WSP but will let you know as soon as we get any indication that the road might be closed. Don't go that way if you don't have to.
  • Current WSDOT notice

    SR 20 Both Directions - Rock on the roadway, SR 20 at milepost 162. WSDOT crews are on scene clearing the debris. Flagged traffic control in place.
    Last Updated: 8/17/2014 9:45 PM
    At milepost 162

    That's consistent with the comments on the Facebook page.
  • I passed on the info to friends in the area. Thank you
  • Thanks for the tip -- we are hoping to be in that area in a couple of weeks -- hope they clear it up soon!
  • There were a couple of closures last summer, Localized heavy rain fall produced flash floods on streams, sending mud flows on the highway. Last year it was west of Rainy Pass. Sounds like this under Liberty Bell, probably down one of the avalanche chutes.

    One of the closures last summer lasted half a week.

    There was also a culvert washout on Boston Creek just to the south that damaged the Cascade River road. That road is slated to be closed for a few weeks next month so they can make permanent repairs.