rockhillmanor wrote:
News reports that are posted that the pro Mexico forum members immediately jump in to discredit.
Please find me one thread where a forum member responsibly posted a 'travel alert' that didn't turn into the pro Mexico members claiming they KNOW the alert isn't true?
briansue wrote:
I wish I could tell you everything I know about "news reports". Yikes. Reliable? You're kidding? Long story short. We used to live on an island called Vieques off the east coast of Puerto Rico - part of the US. Used as a Navy range for many years. Many protests. Many lies. Years of "news reports" and in my opinion - having lived there
and seen exactly what was going on and having a great deal of knowledge about the whole situation - I have to say that about 95% of what was reported by the news was totally false information. Total lies.
I rest my case! :B:B