qtla9111 wrote:
stanbnv wrote:
How about the TRUE STORY of 2 or 3 years ago when a nice anglo couple was murdered and their motorhome set on fire by two escaped cons in New Mexico or the TRUE STORY of a nice Canadian couple murdered and theit motorhome set on fire in Alberta. Didn't see a State Department warning about travel to New Mexico or Alberta. I'm done with this topic, it's hidden.
Come on, those don't count, they happened in the U.S., remote incidences. Now, let me think of the last time an rving couple was murdered in Mexico? Be patient, this may take some time.
As for rving in Mexico because it's cheap, take a good look at the number of retirees who are now living in Mexico because they can no longer afford to live in their own country. I know people living in San Miguel de Allende on pensions way below those of Mexicans, it's criminal when a country can't take care of its own.
You live there. I like a pair of those rose colored glasses.