Jun-19-2013 06:07 AM
Jun-23-2013 05:09 AM
CKNSLS wrote:qtla9111 wrote:Tequila wrote:CKNSLS wrote:Tequila wrote:
They never did find the bodies of that couple murdered in their RV in Alberta. They have arrested someone. There were also some French Canadian RV'ers murdered in Florida that was played down by the Press. You wont see a Canadian government warning about RVing in the US or vice versa. You don't upset your largest trading partner.
Then there was the Bentley & Johnson case in BC, Canada. 2 Families were shot around their campfire. Well at least the adults. The 2 little girls 6 & 8 were kept alive & continually raped for 2 weeks before he shot them. They were 2000 miles from Mexico and the perp was not Mexican.
And I am sure the law enforcement in Canada and Florida have the "integrity" of the law enforcement in Mexico? Right?
That is a point, mind you the RCMP are now training the Federales.
That raises red flags to me:
"By late 2011, US funding had been used to "train over 55,000 law enforcement and justice sector officials, including 7,200 Federal police officers," according to the US State Department.
The New York Times reported that this training involved "conducting wiretaps, running informants and interrogating suspects."
It's all coming together.
IS it all coming together? It seems to me that corruption in the Police Department in Mexico exists for several reasons, and I will not go in to all of them. But one of the reasons is their paycheck!
Now I know there are levels of corruption. The small corruption of a $20.00 "bribe" to a traffic cop to the cartels that supplement the incomes of police, judges, etc. to the tune of what probably is thousands of dollars.
Hence, we can train them all they want. But the corrupt cops will just notify the cartel that a wiretape is being installed in their house, phone, whatever.
Look how things have changed...for the worse in Mexico in the last ten years.
Until organized crime is neutralized in Mexico there is very little hope.
Jun-22-2013 06:48 PM
qtla9111 wrote:Tequila wrote:CKNSLS wrote:Tequila wrote:
They never did find the bodies of that couple murdered in their RV in Alberta. They have arrested someone. There were also some French Canadian RV'ers murdered in Florida that was played down by the Press. You wont see a Canadian government warning about RVing in the US or vice versa. You don't upset your largest trading partner.
Then there was the Bentley & Johnson case in BC, Canada. 2 Families were shot around their campfire. Well at least the adults. The 2 little girls 6 & 8 were kept alive & continually raped for 2 weeks before he shot them. They were 2000 miles from Mexico and the perp was not Mexican.
And I am sure the law enforcement in Canada and Florida have the "integrity" of the law enforcement in Mexico? Right?
That is a point, mind you the RCMP are now training the Federales.
That raises red flags to me:
"By late 2011, US funding had been used to "train over 55,000 law enforcement and justice sector officials, including 7,200 Federal police officers," according to the US State Department.
The New York Times reported that this training involved "conducting wiretaps, running informants and interrogating suspects."
It's all coming together.
Jun-22-2013 06:36 PM
Tequila wrote:CKNSLS wrote:Tequila wrote:
They never did find the bodies of that couple murdered in their RV in Alberta. They have arrested someone. There were also some French Canadian RV'ers murdered in Florida that was played down by the Press. You wont see a Canadian government warning about RVing in the US or vice versa. You don't upset your largest trading partner.
Then there was the Bentley & Johnson case in BC, Canada. 2 Families were shot around their campfire. Well at least the adults. The 2 little girls 6 & 8 were kept alive & continually raped for 2 weeks before he shot them. They were 2000 miles from Mexico and the perp was not Mexican.
And I am sure the law enforcement in Canada and Florida have the "integrity" of the law enforcement in Mexico? Right?
That is a point, mind you the RCMP are now training the Federales.
Jun-22-2013 06:19 PM
CKNSLS wrote:Tequila wrote:
They never did find the bodies of that couple murdered in their RV in Alberta. They have arrested someone. There were also some French Canadian RV'ers murdered in Florida that was played down by the Press. You wont see a Canadian government warning about RVing in the US or vice versa. You don't upset your largest trading partner.
Then there was the Bentley & Johnson case in BC, Canada. 2 Families were shot around their campfire. Well at least the adults. The 2 little girls 6 & 8 were kept alive & continually raped for 2 weeks before he shot them. They were 2000 miles from Mexico and the perp was not Mexican.
And I am sure the law enforcement in Canada and Florida have the "integrity" of the law enforcement in Mexico? Right?
Jun-22-2013 06:00 PM
1oseph wrote:
Why you have to stir the pot ????
Jun-22-2013 04:31 PM
Jun-22-2013 04:27 PM
Jun-22-2013 02:01 PM
Tequila wrote:
They never did find the bodies of that couple murdered in their RV in Alberta. They have arrested someone. There were also some French Canadian RV'ers murdered in Florida that was played down by the Press. You wont see a Canadian government warning about RVing in the US or vice versa. You don't upset your largest trading partner.
Then there was the Bentley & Johnson case in BC, Canada. 2 Families were shot around their campfire. Well at least the adults. The 2 little girls 6 & 8 were kept alive & continually raped for 2 weeks before he shot them. They were 2000 miles from Mexico and the perp was not Mexican.
Jun-22-2013 09:40 AM
briansue wrote:I rest my case!
This thread has become hilarious. I started it because I thought the idea that someone was selling underground resort property for sheltering from the apocalypse was pretty funny - and that anyone would buy one of these properties even funnier. But I guess these things make some people happy. The discussion has taken on some sort of life of its own - as I expected - but in directions I did not expect. It just gets goofier and goofier. I hope other readers get a kick out of all this too.
Jun-22-2013 08:58 AM
Jun-21-2013 05:17 PM
qtla9111 wrote:stanbnv wrote:
How about the TRUE STORY of 2 or 3 years ago when a nice anglo couple was murdered and their motorhome set on fire by two escaped cons in New Mexico or the TRUE STORY of a nice Canadian couple murdered and theit motorhome set on fire in Alberta. Didn't see a State Department warning about travel to New Mexico or Alberta. I'm done with this topic, it's hidden.
Come on, those don't count, they happened in the U.S., remote incidences. Now, let me think of the last time an rving couple was murdered in Mexico? Be patient, this may take some time.
As for rving in Mexico because it's cheap, take a good look at the number of retirees who are now living in Mexico because they can no longer afford to live in their own country. I know people living in San Miguel de Allende on pensions way below those of Mexicans, it's criminal when a country can't take care of its own.
Jun-21-2013 05:16 PM
fugawibill wrote:
And that link is of a incident in 2008, where the banditos hoped there was a race car in the trailer.
Jun-21-2013 05:03 PM
stanbnv wrote:
How about the TRUE STORY of 2 or 3 years ago when a nice anglo couple was murdered and their motorhome set on fire by two escaped cons in New Mexico or the TRUE STORY of a nice Canadian couple murdered and theit motorhome set on fire in Alberta. Didn't see a State Department warning about travel to New Mexico or Alberta. I'm done with this topic, it's hidden.
Jun-21-2013 01:58 PM
Jun-21-2013 01:56 PM