There is a tremendous public discussion on the modern xenophobia epidemic so prevalent in the North American (and other populations). Actually, it was a web-cast (a Scientific American initiative), with accompanying articles, chaired by some of the World's leading scientists (coming from varied disciplines).
Xenophobia is the unreasonable fear of others, fear of foreign nationals and fear and contempt of foreign places and spaces-- stereotyped and exotic.
Xenophobia can operate at multiple levels. Example, tourists and foreign residents living in Mexico may not ever mix with Mexicans at almost any level, with only few exceptions (like inevitably needing to fill up at a gas station, buy food or interface with Mexican authorities). These visitors and residents refuse to learn the local language, however they chose to live in Mexico.
We shouldn't confuse being apprehensive to go to or interface with a different culture with xenophobic behavior; apprehensive behavior usually leads to reasonable two way interface given some x time.
Xenophobia can be ascribed to the unreasonable fear that "someone will attack us at any moment"; can be ascribed to the unreasonable fear that "...Armageddon is just around the corner, so I will live in fear every moment of every day, and prepare for it with all my resources regardless of real reasonable day-to-day needs..."; the unreasonable fear that drives us to carry concealed weapons or store hand guns and assault-like weapons in our RVs and automobiles and homes every moment of our living/waking/traveling day.
I don't think we need on this Forum to "sell Mexico" to the xenophobic hordes; this is and will prove to be a non starter fraught with confrontation. People will simply visit Mexico on their own accord, in their own time, in their own way (by asking questions, investigating, assessing their own risk level, and finally taking the plunge). We here should neither practice self-validation, nor shilling for travel in foreign lands. Let it happen, respond to the interested, learn to recognize xenophobic behavior, and most of all: don't feed the xenophobes :B
Gtla makes an interesting point: all societies Globally are steeped in seemingly ever increasing corruption and "violence". If this is true, then we all have to re-assess what "reasonable" and "unreasonable" baselines are (i.e. are US urban areas as corrupt and dangerous or nearly so now as those in Mexico appear to be? If really so, then there is no reason to fear travel to other seemingly corrupt and dangerous places wherever they are, because the corruption and crime danger baseline may be up everywhere...maybe, etc)...