Forum Discussion

mikemc53's avatar
Explorer II
Jun 08, 2021

Old Question

I'm almost afraid to ask, as this has been a topic often discussed but...any new thoughts on traveling through Atlanta going north on I-75? Days, times, etc., what works best, if at all?

Haven't done it, northbound, in a few years and last time southbound was last fall on Thanksgiving day and there was little to no traffic at around 11 AM.

I used to think Sunday mornings were OK and we always took the loop around (285 E or N?), which seemed to work well. But not sure what day I will be driving through there so trying to figure times and loops, if possible.

  • I have driven that twice. Once around 11pm and once at 4am and they were still bad. If I have to go that way again, I'll find away around it even if it means driving 50 miles out of my way.
  • Last time we went straight through. From what I hear around in either direction is a nightmare.
  • I regretably took the bypass, thinking it was the best option. That was 10 years ago and I'd guess it's worse now. Sat in traffic for 3 hours +

    Now, we just cruise straigt thru, no bypass. As said, early Sat or Sun is best. Try to avoid afternoon workday traffic.
  • This-->
    Darklock wrote:
    Early on Saturday or Sunday is best. Any other time is hit or miss, depending on who forgets how to drive on that particular day. Weekdays wait till at least 10:30 -11:00 or prior to 6:00 AM.

    I try to time my travel through or around Atlanta before 10 am on Sunday morning. It's a much less congested road at that time.
  • We just drive right thru south to north most of the time. The loop road is worse during the week, not sure about weekends. There are no good bypasses.
  • Early on Saturday or Sunday is best. Any other time is hit or miss, depending on who forgets how to drive on that particular day. Weekdays wait till at least 10:30 -11:00 or prior to 6:00 AM.