The OP still didn't tell when they plan to go. In winter you look for warmer places, in summer - the opposite. Places that are nicer in summer, typically suck in winter, and vice versa.
Anything 200 miles from the border and farther South should be warm enough (in winter) as long as ocean swimming is not your hobby.
Pacific coast of Baja Norte gets cold in winter. East coast of the peninsula is a little warmer, with the closest warm place (in winter) being Concepcion Bay, this would be in Baja Sur. Though I didn't see any camps with electricity in the Bay, it's all generators. No "sightseeing" to speak of, only nature sights. Unlike in old towns of mainland, none or very few architectural sights - you know, that colonial pseudo-European style with plazas and Catholic temples. Bugs in Baja in winter are unheard of, on either coast. In summer you'll get bugs most anywhere, except for desert strips around the North end of the Mar, but you don't want to be there in summer.
I don't think there is much need in GPS in Baja - there is practically only one highway. First-time RV-ers still use GPS, mostly to know where to turn off to the camp that they planned. GPS app in a smartphone will do in this case.