Hiking and touristing, lightweight rain gear will work fine. Being warm(ish) out, sweating in rain gear is inevitable, so IMO doesn't really matter if it's goretex or eVent, it won't breathe enough anyway. Works good in cold weather, IMO to vent moisture vapor. If you're sweating in the rain, you may as well wear a garbage bag!
Basically anything that's waterproof will work. Can get good quality lightweight rain gear if you look at the construction type stuff like from Grundens or others (not rubber rain suits, the pvc coated shells), if you like black or hi vis colors.
And I'd have a pair of xtra tuffs or muck boots. Leather boots, even if goretex, still get water logged pretty quick.
Depends how you're camping though. Mostly tourist stuff, big camper to dry wet gear, not using it day in day out? Get whatever is reasonably priced. Spending some time in the outdoors where you don't have the option of changing socks n shoes every few hours, up your wet weather game a bit.