"Newspaper Articles" are some of the POOREST sources of information about Mexico in the business.
They have a dog in the fight.
So do many Mexico forums
They lose money when information can harm their source of revenue.
So called NEWS reporters sit on their --- and make telephone calls to sources that have a dog in the fight.
I have attempted over the years to pass on inside information about Pemex while protecting the identity of my sources. They WILL get fired or even worse if their identity is compromised.
I posted about the fraudulent news reports about ULSD refinery modifications. I was soundly denounced on this forum. My info has been proven correct.
Pemex is near bankruptcy. Ditto
The inaccuracy of assuming foreign gasolineras means foreign fuel. Ditto.
ULSD availability in Baja California. Ditto
ULSD UN availability in Baja California SUR. Ditto
Spurious availability of UBA at "selected" gasolineras. Ditto
I do not have a dog in any fight and frankly folks I am tired of the denunciations.
It's better if you folks revel in pure "official" BS.
Adios and above all ENJOY. I've got better things to do. So do my engineer friends, and my TelCel bill.