Jul-14-2016 06:33 AM
Aug-27-2016 02:17 PM
Jul-18-2016 07:02 AM
2gypsies wrote:
Since you're going to the Escapee RV Club's rally, you should have specific directions by now on how to enter the fairground area.
Keep in mind when relying solely on the Motor Carrier Atlas, that is geared for semi trucks and many times they are routed around towns so they're not driving through them. RVs can go more places than semi trucks. Best to check various sources.
Have fun at the Escapade!!
Jul-18-2016 06:59 AM
DrewE wrote:
Sounds like you're on the right track.
Where are you going in Essex Junction? If to the fairgrounds ("Champlain Valley Exposition"), I would suggest getting off I-89 at Richmond and taking 117 (River Road) into Essex Junction, continuing on to 15 at the "five corners." That's the only potential place I know of to camp in Essex junction...though perhaps you're visiting friends or have some other plans.
Jul-17-2016 07:32 PM
Jul-17-2016 06:06 PM
Jul-16-2016 11:41 AM
ryegatevt wrote:buffymb wrote:ryegatevt wrote:
I'd just stay on Rt 2 from St J to Montpelier and then pick up I89 to Essex. Your route south on I-93 takes you over 50 miles out of your way. BTW, We've live in the St J area for 50 years...
Okay, thanks, we may do that then. I didn't realize it was that many miles. Looking at the MCA, it showed a small strip of road into town that was not showing as a route for a big rig so we thought maybe it was something we should avoid.
Thanks so much!
I should have said "your route south on I-91". I-93 Merges into I-91 just south of St J - go north for a mile or so and head west on Route 2. You won't have to drive thru St J.
Jul-16-2016 06:18 AM
buffymb wrote:ryegatevt wrote:
I'd just stay on Rt 2 from St J to Montpelier and then pick up I89 to Essex. Your route south on I-93 takes you over 50 miles out of your way. BTW, We've live in the St J area for 50 years...
Okay, thanks, we may do that then. I didn't realize it was that many miles. Looking at the MCA, it showed a small strip of road into town that was not showing as a route for a big rig so we thought maybe it was something we should avoid.
Thanks so much!
Jul-15-2016 02:23 PM
ryegatevt wrote:
I'd just stay on Rt 2 from St J to Montpelier and then pick up I89 to Essex. Your route south on I-93 takes you over 50 miles out of your way. BTW, We've live in the St J area for 50 years...
Jul-15-2016 01:03 PM
Jul-15-2016 12:44 PM
Jul-14-2016 07:24 PM
Jul-14-2016 10:01 AM