Forum Discussion

jjcook's avatar
Sep 14, 2015

Rt 30 in Pa.

What is the Rt. 30 like from Breezewood Pa to Gettysburgh Pa. will be towing 32 ft. 5th wheel? Thanks for your input.
  • I live in southern Maryland but will be in western Pa. coming home I thought I would stop in Gettysburg. Just wondered about Rt. 30 other than that it's about 6 of one half a dozen of the other stay on pike or get off at Breezewood down 70 then up 15 Thanks for all your input
  • Having lived in Chambersburg for over 50 years, I sure don't recommend it. US RT. 30 is a PITA from Breezewood on thru east. And Chambersburg and Gettysburg are a super PITA!
  • Like gbopp said, don't do it. We made that mistake once and it will never happen again.

    On edit: If you are already in Breezewood, take PA Turnpike to Carlisle, pick up I-81 south then take Rt. 34 to Gettysburg. 34 is a nice drive.
  • Richert wrote:
    Stay on the PA Turnpike, safer, straighter, less mountainous, not as stressful, faster, smoother need I say anything else.

    It appears the OP is from Maryland. Why on earth would he travel the turnpike and pay tolls, and travel more miles with more traffic? The I70, I81 then US30 is probably the best. I70 and US15 is good as well.

    Trucks have run US30 coast to coast for about a century, I wouldn't want any vehicle that was incapable of using this road.
  • Stay on the PA Turnpike, safer, straighter, less mountainous, not as stressful, faster, smoother need I say anything else.
  • brooks379 wrote:
    or take I 70 east at Breezewood to Frederick, MD to US 15 north to Gettysburg.

    Another good option. It's only about 15 or so miles longer.
  • I've drove it. Don't like it. Been on worse roads but I would take the PA turnpike to US 15 or take I 70 east at Breezewood to Frederick, MD to US 15 north to Gettysburg.
  • DO NOT, DO NOT take US 30 east from Breezewood. It's all 2 lane, mountains and curves. There are a couple runaway truck ramps east of Breezewood.

    The best way to Gettysburg from Breezewood is, stay on the PA Turnpike and take the Gettysburg/US 15 exit. Yes, you will pay tolls but, it is an easy drive.

    If you were not towing, I would tell you to take 30. It's a nice drive.
    But not while towing.

    Depending on where you are in Maryland, it may be better to take I 70 to Hagerstown and I-81 north to Chambersburg. 30 from Chambersburg to Gettysburg Isn't bad. One mountain, no curves, mostly straight road. But there is traffic.
  • You will be doing serious mountain driving several times. Traffic usually isn't too bad except in Chambersburg and Gettysburg.