Forum Discussion

PF_PM's avatar
Dec 06, 2015

San Felipe, Mexico

We are considering a 10 day or so trip to San Felipe while we are down south this winter. Any suggestions from people that have been there and stayed at the RV parks or on the beach. We'd even consider some boondocking...
  • Use a cable & lock on anything valuable left unattended. Know one guy who left his dirt bike motorcycle outside of the market while shopping unlocked and it was gone when he came out. Just common cents! Boondocking on the beach will cost about $20 in some places but will have a little more security. Most of the campgrounds have USA prices.

    rocmoc n AZ/Mexico
  • We enjoyed a month at San Felipe, after three rigs made the trip from California through Mexicali's east gate, a stop for FMM's, then the trip through the city, and out onto Hwy 5. About four hours to SF, to stop at Club La Pesca, which offered RV parking. We checked in, did not pay right away, as the manager invited us to see the town, or any other park we might be interested in. That was a first! We found nothing better and three days later paid for our stay. We were on the beach, but far enough from town to be away from noise, yet we could do the half hour walk onto the main thouroughfare. Wifi was at the club's building unless you were parked close by. Water and electricity, but to dump required a trip out to a back lot, or use of a Blue Boy. As fervent boondockers we had no problem with that. We liked the town and did a trip south as far as Portecitos. It gave us all the great feeling we used to have traveling down Pacific Mainland Mexico for several winters. It was great to be back in Mexico after four years.
  • PF&PM wrote:
    We are considering a 10 day or so trip to San Felipe while we are down south this winter. Any suggestions from people that have been there and stayed at the RV parks or on the beach. We'd even consider some boondocking...

    I spent about 5 yrs. off and on staying in San Felipe every spring. San Felepi is the greatest and most enjoyable rural little town. Because the main road pretty much ends right at San Felipe, you don't have as much drive through traffic through the town. The town is basically 1 street parallel to the ocean. There are a number of RV parks, some are right in town and then another group is about 1 mile out of town. We use to stay at Campo San Felipe or the one next door. Your experience of San Felipe will largely be determined by your expectations or ideas of what RVing is like.
    San Felipe is:
    1. a small rural town about 4 blocks long
    2. don't expect RV parks to be like the one you have experienced in the U.S. Remember, Baja is another country.. Most americans would consider most of all San Felipi's RV parks primitive. I go to San Felipe to experience a more rural, primitive, peacefull ,friendly place to experience a different culture and language.
    3. San Felipe has developed some fancier RV parks on the edge of town. Boon docking is not my choice for RVing primarily because of the inconsiderate dune boggies and dirt biker riders, who are Americans not the local folks.
    4. I start every morning with a cold cervesa and shrimp taco:):) Relax and enjoy the cultural and local people:)
  • I spend 4 weeks boondocking in Baja.
    San Felipe, wasn't my favorite as that was young Californian destination and those 3-wheelers bypassing cars stop at pedestrian cross were pretty scary.
    Don't expect full hookups unless you go to luxury resorts.
    Lot of campgrounds supply water, but often it is salty water and pressure sucks.
    I re-plumb my coach that my pump was boosting the pressure.
    I hope you are good in negotiating the prices as that is every day need in Mexico.
    Driving with no room for error takes some practice and lot of RV lost their mirrors on narrow roads.
    Per my experience Mexicans in Baja don't steal, but they will rip you off at gas station, hooking up a nozzle from pump that was not reset after last use. Always try to get to the pump before attendant does.
    Have fun.