Forum Discussion

bresdogsr's avatar
Jun 26, 2014

South Jersey to Lexington Ky

Looking for the best route from South Jersey to Lexington Kentucky. Horse Park in particular. Prefer to avoid as many mountains as possible. Mapquest has given me 2 possible routes, through PA or WV. Also looking for a campground with pullthroughs near halfway through the trip. Thanks in advance.
  • I-95 to I-695 to I-70 to I-68 to I-79 to I-64 is a good route. It avoids the PA turnpike and associated tolls and I think there is usually less traffic than on the turnpike. There are some ups and downs in WV and Kentucky, but I don't think they are any worse than I-70 to Breezewood and the PA turnpike although there are no tunnels. There are commercial parks and COE campgrounds in the Sutton and Burnsville, WV area off of I-79 which should be about halfway.