Forum Discussion

Tequila's avatar
Jul 09, 2013

Success in canceling permit by mail

A friend of mine who got a permit on line last year then had to cancel his trip managed to get it canceled by mail. He had to go to the RCMP and get a letter stating the vehicle was in Canada. They were reluctant to do that & charged him $55. It took 4 months to get the cancellation in the form of a letter, he now has to keep with him this year. They did not give the deposit back
  • I've heard this before. If ADUANA does not have the surrendered permit in their hot little hands on day 179 of a 180 day permit, then nothing can stop the forfeiture of the deposit via Banjercito. It goes right into the coffers of ADUANA. A person known to me tried to fight it by getting an AMPARO at considerable legal cost, but even though he won the amparo, he never saw a peso of the deposit.
  • Oh they had it in their hands alright, but they never sent the cancellation til the 6 months was past.