Forum Discussion

Sep 08, 2018

Sugar Substitutes Suggest Read The Label In The Store

STEVIA! The box shouts.
I read the small print. 98% azucar 2% stevia. Markets have too many of these gimmicks to suit me.
EZ fix. Now that you know, read the ingredients. If nothing else the higher the percentage of content the closer to the front the ingredient will be.

Are there 100% Stevia endulzantes (sweeterners)?

Same for organic and other healthy sounding shout terminology
Dye #5 and Dye #11 plus sodium benzoate ain't natural.
  • And stevia has not yet been approved by the FDA as a food sweetener.
  • But NutraMutate was approved years ago in the USA. Fresh from the oil rig or coal mine. Wait! That makes nutra sweet ORGANIC?

    Fats, salt and sugar are the bane of the Mexican people. Interesting study...

    The Rio Bravo/Grande divided a huge community of genetically related indigenous. The USA bunch were overweight -- more than ninety percent of them...fifty percent morbidly obese and almost seventy percent are diabetic

    The southern group eats corn not flour tortillas far less salt and sweets including colas. Seven percent modestly overweight and single digit diabetic.

    Heath foods are still relatively new. I love corn chips. Rather than eat oil soaked Bonneville Salt Flat tortilla chips, I choose TOSTADAS with no salt. Much better tasting too. Criminy even a lot of sour cream has salt. As does Mexican margarine.

    The name for junk food is
    Alimentos de Chatarra. Food-junk
    Bet You Can't Eat Just One! Bet'cha I can eat just NONE (Sabritas Jingle)