You won't find many differences in the 2013 and 14 editions of The Milepost. I tend to buy one every year whether I am going north or not as I collect them. You will find that is some places, the paper edition may make some comment, such as "road house on the right" and that is all they say. Whereas if the place buys an ad, then the business gets to write the ad and tell you and me how world famous they are or wish they were. LOL In the years I am sure we are heading north, I tend to buy two copies of the Milepost. One to save in my collection and one to cut up into more usable size. It has become so large that I really don't need all that info with me all the time, just the info on where I am and where I an going next. It is nice to have the info on highway to Yellowknife in there, but that is not a place I go, so I don't haul it with me. LOL
But the Tour Guide app seems to only be listing the places that have a paid for ad. I am not sure where the Milepost Tour Guide is currently to where they plan it to be in finished form. My guess and that is all it is, is that it will take the purchase of two ads to be in both. The current version may be more of a Beta version looking for comments. The young lady that contacted me was from BC, so a different place than where The Milepost paper edition staff hangs out, some in Anchorage and it is owned by Morris Communications out of Georgia. Morris is a fine publishing house, has several monthly magazines, mostly horse oriented ones, etc. But the folks they call the "field editors" are also the ones that sell the ads to the businesses in the served areas. A bit of a conflict built in there it seems to me. Morris Comm is about the fourth or fifth owner of the Milepost, since I started buying them in 1962.
Do wish The Milepost, would put out a flash drive or a micro SD chip to integrate the Milepost into my GPS or my copy of Streets and Trips, with a dongle, I have on my laptop. Then it would be like driving through the Milepost and letting the GPS function keep track of where I was and how far to the next, whatever. Maybe some day that will happen.