Little Kopit wrote:
08UltraRider wrote:
Little Kopit wrote:
Or, adapt to local conditions. I have been known to pull over on the side of the Trans Canada, when I needed to stop. & believe me, if you need to quit driving, I can't imagine any cop who would give you a ticket, for just pulling over out of the line of traffic.
If you're saying to pull over into the shoulder and park? I can't speak for out east but out here you won't get away with it! Emergency stopping only!
You won't get a ticket but you will be told to move on.
What is your specific? I cannot imagine a skilled, experienced policeman saying, keep driving and fall asleep at the wheel.
Parking on the side of the road will not be tolerated most places by any Police as there is a lot of wide loads being moved, Just parking on the shoulder is not the smartest move in any body's mind, how many get killed or injured just changing a tire, there is lots of places anywhere in Canada to get off the road, Just my thought's from a long haul trucker.