Forum Discussion

wtmtnhiker's avatar
May 05, 2021

West Yellowstone to Grand Tetons

Looking at U.S. Rt 20 to State Rts 32 and 3 then U.S.191 to Gros Venture CG. To those of you familiar with this route is it ok or challenging while pulling a travel trailer? Mostly concerned with steep grades and narrow lanes and want to be prepared. Thanks
  • Ed C wrote:
    There are curves and grades but the speed limit is 45 mph, so you are not going too fast anyway. The roads aren't interstate wide but they are fine. Pay attention and you will enjoy the ride.

    LOL, if there are animals, you will be lucky to move at all until the rangers come and shoo the people away...

    AND DON'T go near the animals. I ran the Communicable Disease Epidemiology Program for Montana till retirement. You really don't want to spend 3500 bucks on rabies prophylaxis. Oh, and otters kill dogs for sport, don't let your dogs loose. Otters just look cute, they are actually vicious nasty creatures on their own turf and work together... Oh the Otters also bite the humans trying to save the dogs... And our cheap entertainment in Montana is watching tourists get thrown in the air by bison... But no rabies prophylaxis needed for that just inpatient hospital and an operating room usually.

    And Montanan's don't go anywhere near that area after about now in May and until after the kids go back to school. Then it's ours again. But, a good base camp with power and water can be a place called Flagg Ranch in between the Tetons and Yellowstone. The name might have changed but a search on that will get you there. Might want to check it out. Not cheap but decent and the dirt roads west out of there can be fun...
  • wtmtnhiker wrote:
    Looking at U.S. Rt 20 to State Rts 32 and 3 then U.S.191 to Gros Venture CG. To those of you familiar with this route is it ok or challenging while pulling a travel trailer? Mostly concerned with steep grades and narrow lanes and want to be prepared. Thanks

    Drove the route in the signature vehicle three times last summer - No Issue - Don't Do RT 22 - 10% grade in both directions - many a transmission has been left on that grade - Don't Do it!

    You have driven some 2,000 + miles why would you avoid one minute in Yellowstone - Just Beautiful.

    Spend a little time learning and understanding the many option in and around Yellowstone and the Tetons - IMHO there is so much to see and enjoy - after at least a dozen previous trip to Yellowstone and the Tetons we discovered even more new and Exciting Routes - RT 26 through Dubois, seeing the Tetons as you cross the Continental Divide. Amazing.

    Soooooo much to see Never enough TIME!
  • We pulled a 26ft TT on 191 and 20.No problem. Not sure about 32. We took 26.
  • paulj wrote:
    33/22 is Teton Pass, one of the higher and steeper ones in the area. Fine for a car, but questionable for an RV.

    If going `outside`, go the long way around, US26 and 89.

    Definitely avoid this pass with your RV. Go through the park. It's a piece of cake. Unless you are going to the Palisades area. If so, avoid Teton Pass and go to Alpine Junction then up to Jackson along the river.
  • 33/22 is Teton Pass, one of the higher and steeper ones in the area. Fine for a car, but questionable for an RV.

    If going `outside`, go the long way around, US26 and 89.
  • ditto to going through Yellowstone Park to get to Gros Ventre campground.
  • There are curves and grades but the speed limit is 45 mph, so you are not going too fast anyway. The roads aren't interstate wide but they are fine. Pay attention and you will enjoy the ride.
  • If you have a senior pass I’d go thru Yellowstone as enblethen suggested.
  • I would get up early and go through Yellowstone. Steep grade dropping down to US 191.