Forum Discussion

garyhaupt's avatar
May 26, 2013

With the bridge down....

What shall I do to amuse myself on a Sunday? Smoking fish is always a nice pastime.

oh..right..RV Rv has a slight inside water leak and I am now going out to attend to that, while the smoker..smokes.

Gary Haupt
  • powderman426 wrote:
    I tried smoking fish, but had a hard time keeping them lit.

    May be you were use the wrong fish. Next time try oolichan, also known as candle fish. It's a very oily smelt collected in Gary's part of the world for its fat.
  • I had a friend that thought he would try his luck at fish farming.

    He said he tried planting them head up or tail up, and it didn't make any difference. They just didnt want to grow.:B
  • Yep, I used to smoke fish, too, but my doctor made me quit. :)

    Seriously, Gary, that looks yummy! Share?